How Does TypeLaw Save you Time?

Using your time wisely is one of the most important aspects of brief writing—the more time you can spend on your actual argument, the better it will be, and the greater chance you’ll have to get your argument across to your reader.

One of the main goals of TypeLaw is to save you time in three general areas: creating your tables, formatting your brief, and refining your brief once formatting is done.

Save time on creating and updating tables

Arguably, the biggest time savings we offer is in automated table creation. Most briefs need a few tables, namely the Table of Contents and the Table of Authorities. We take care of these for you by both generating and updating them for you; every heading you provide to us will be inserted into a table of contents, and every authority you cite to will be accurately presented as an authority.

Although some programs might offer the same basic functionality, we save you time by doing all of this automatically using AI, and remembering how you refer to your headings and citations. If you want subheadings, for instance, our software knows how you have previously presented headings, and will appropriately indent the subsequent numeration.

Save time on accurate citation formatting

For authorities, we keep track of where you cite to them; if you’ve cited to an authority several paragraphs below the initial citation, we automatically update the citation to the proper form (usually, using supra to indicate it’s a prior citation). We can also hyperlink your citations to authority and to the record. Both of these automatic processes save you valuable time, by reducing the amount of repetitive formatting you have to do.

Another valuable time savings is in our compliant formatting. Most brief writers wait until the very end of their brief to format everything, because getting everything “just right” is a delicate and frustrating process.

Save time on local rule-compliant formatting

Our software automatically formats your brief as you type, meaning every time you download a new copy of your brief, it will be perfectly formatted. Additionally, we keep track of your page numeration in regards to your tables: if you add a new paragraph and it pushes headings and citations down, TypeLaw’s editor knows to update the page numbers for both and will keep them updated for any additional edits you need to make.

Save time (and money) when making changes

In the background, another important way we save you time is helping in the refining process. As explained above, TypeLaw will automatically update your headings and citations because we know the exact place you’ve added them: by consistently updating your brief (we save copies every few seconds) you can continue to make edits and know that you won’t have to reformat everything you’ve already done.

Even after we’ve delivered the brief to you (and maybe, even after you’ve filed it) you can always go back into your brief in our editor and make changes, free of charge. We believe this is incredibly valuable as a brief writer, because often there are changes that are caught right before filing that need edits: you can rest assured that our editor will keep your brief up-to-date.

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