Heroic speed & accuracy

When you’re facing a filing deadline, you can’t leave anything to chance. But technical errors put your brief, and reputation, at risk. TypeLaw ensures that doesn’t happen—saving you significant time and stress, when it really counts.

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How TypeLaw works

Perfect tables icon

1. Draft your brief

Draft your brief in Word or WordPerfect as usual, securely upload it to the TypeLaw portal, and specify the court where you’re filing. Don’t worry about a cover page or preparing tables and certificates—TypeLaw will create and insert those automatically.

Compliant formating icon

2. Get a flawlessly formatted, local-rules compliant e-brief

TypeLaw’s proprietary AI quickly formats your brief to meet the specific requirements of your court. It inserts tables and certificates, validates and hyperlinks citations, and creates a cover page. The result is a ready-to-file PDF.

Finally, an expert lawyer performs a quality check for 100% accuracy.

Hyperlinked Icon

3. Refine your argument and file with confidence

Need to make a change? Just use TypeLaw’s text editor to open your brief and make unlimited edits. Your pagination, tables, bookmarks, and hyperlinks will automatically update as you go. Your brief is now ready to be filed as usual.

Platform features

product feature

Compliant formatting

No need to look up the intricate rules of court or worry about complicated electronic filing requirements. TypeLaw’s powerful AI knows how to format your brief perfectly to meet the exacting requirements of any court—and it does it in minutes.

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product feature


Make it easy for the court to follow and adopt your argument. TypeLaw can hyperlink all your citations to authority and the record automatically—saving you hours of research and formatting hassle.

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product feature

Brief editing

No more late nights updating tables or wrestling with re-pagination just to make a last-minute change. With TypeLaw’s purpose-built brief editor, you can make unlimited edits and your tables, pagination, and formatting update automatically as you go.

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product feature

Table building

Get perfect tables every time, automatically and without mind-numbing hours of manual work or dealing with unreliable, cumbersome Word plugins. TypeLaw will automatically build you an accurate, elegant TOC and TOA—and update them in an instant if you make a change.

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product feature<br />


Don’t let small technical errors or typos damage your credibility with the court. TypeLaw knows how to perfectly format any citation and catches citation mistakes before they impact your reputation.

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product feature


Attach an exhibit, create an appendix, or compile excerpts of record automatically. TypeLaw automatically OCRs your PDFs, builds your indexes and tables, adds electronic bookmarks, and splits volumes according to court rules...and everything updates automatically if you make a change.

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Who uses TypeLaw

attorneys image

TypeLaw for attorneys

Whether you’re a solo practitioner or at a small or medium firm, TypeLaw empowers you to effortlessly produce impeccably formatted, jurisdictionally compliant briefs exponentially faster. No more fear of having your brief rejected and no more late nights messing around with formatting minutiae or waiting on staff. TypeLaw saves time, reduces stress, and helps you put your best foot forward with any court.

TypeLaw for paralegals

When the pressure’s on, TypeLaw can help you deliver a perfectly formatted, accurately hyperlinked brief in a fraction of the time—and without all the rework hassles when someone requests a last-minute edit. With TypeLaw, you can impress the partners and get your evenings back.

in house counsel

TypeLaw for in-house counsel

Don’t put your professional reputation at risk with technical errors. Let TypeLaw’s powerful AI automatically format and hyperlink your briefs so they’re local-rules compliant—so you can spend time honing your argument and preparing for court.

TypeLaw for Biglaw

Streamline your team’s productivity. TypeLaw empowers your staff to effortlessly produce impeccably formatted, jurisdictionally compliant briefs in record time. Say goodbye to time-consuming busy work and late-night scrambles over last-minute revisions. With TypeLaw, you’ll put your best foot forward with the court and free up valuable resources for more impactful tasks.

Big Law

Talk to an expert. Our award-winning brief formatting experts are here for you.